
Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 11, 2010

CADMATIC 5.3 release

The powerful Cadmatic 3D plant design software is the ideal engineering solution for the process industry.

A 3D-model of a pulp and paper process unit

The software has been divided into several modules making it easier for customers to customize the software package to suit their individual needs. This also means that the software is suitable for relatively modest projects all the way up to the largest and most complex plants in the world. Our focus on the integrated life cycle of plant investments makes Cadmatic the most cost efficient and effective engineering offering on the market.

The software is further optimized for smooth global project distribution and concurrent design in secure networked environments. Ease of use and compatibility with other external CAD software as well as improved time management and communication between project partners through eBrowser add further value to these features that have made Cadmatic the natural choice for plant investments. Cadmatic is the world's leading supplier of plant design software for the pulp and paper industry with a strong presence in the pharmaceutical, food & beverage, mechanical and marine industries. 

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 11, 2010

Auto NEST 9.5 release

AutoShip 9 release

Autoship Systems Corporation's suite of marine engineering software offers a truly integrated approach for every step of the CAD/CAM process from generating hull lines through to nesting of parts. Many other vendors offer a solution to one part of the CAD/CAM process and so users choosing that path end up with a variety of software and as a result experience a 'disjointed' design process. When you begin the process with Autoship, the model that is created is used throughout the entire CAD/CAM process. And when you make changes to the Autoship model, all the other programs can easily adapt to the revision. The Autoship System was developed by naval architects for naval architects and continues to offer you the very best integrated approach from start to finish. If your company realizes the benefits of a seamless engineering process then they will realize Autoship Systems Corporation has the preferred solution.  

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 11, 2010

NAPA 2009 Release

NAPA for Contract Design

In the early design stages, it’s vital to obtain reliable and accurate information quickly. It’s also essential that extensive design changes to the geometry model can be made swiftly and easily, as needed. With NAPA you can quickly and easily model surfaces and compartments into 3D, perform relevant detailed analysis, make changes and re-evaluate the design to ensure that it is technically feasible and satisfies the requirements of the nature, the ship owner, the shipyard and the authorities.

The NAPA system contains all of the functions necessary for the contract design of ships so that the optimum design solution is obtained before the contract is signed. Some examples of the many functions included are:
  • Hull form design
  • Compartments and internal geometry
  • General arrangement
  • Speed and power prediction
  • Hydrostatics and stability
  • Damage stability
  • Loading conditions and intact stability studies
  • Longitudinal strength
  • Weight and cost estimation
  • Required freight rate studies
  • Tank calibration and capacity tables
  • Freeboard and tonnage calculation
  • General purpose optimization tools
  • Drawings and documentation

Contract Design Made Easy with the Contract Design Manager
The Contract Design Manager application is intended for quick and easy creation of the whole 3D product model with NAPA at an early design stage. The Manager provides a logical workflow for contract design. The 3D product model created serves as the primary source of precise design information at stages leading up to the contract.
The Manager works as a user-oriented, visual interface for NAPA and manages the extensive design processes. Changes, adjustments and updates can be carried out easily with the Manager. All tasks, their relative order, up-to-date status and dependencies can be seen at a glance. Relevant detailed analyses can be performed and the feasibility of the design can be re-evaluated effortlessly, making the application ideal for the early design stages.

The key benefit of the NAPA system is the unequalled speed at which design variations can be investigated and the final design accomplished. NAPA offers an integrated package with the wide variety of applications needed in ship design. The outcome of the early design with NAPA can be further developed in the latter stages of design, including meeting the final challenges of delivery and operation.

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 11, 2010

NUPAS 5.3 RELEASE for marine

3D Hull Engineering is the core of the Nupas-Cadmatic Hull system. It is used for 3D modeling of the hull structure from the basic design up to the detailed and production engineering of hull blocks, assemblies, panels and parts.

The 3D Hull Engineering module distinguishes itself from other CAD/CAE/CAM systems in that it is extremely fast and easy to use. The intuitive user interface guides the hull designer with maximum assistance while creating structural components like decks, bulkheads, stiffeners, shell frames, girders, flanges, brackets etc.
Hull structures are stored topologically, meaning that relations between structural components and relations with the hull shape allow fast and easy modifications. The effects of modifications on a topological structure are automatically carried through to the related structural components allowing fast and easy re-use of information without doing rework. Rule based engineering is another strong feature that assists the engineer e.g. in picking the correct bracket sizes (flanged or not) automatically according to specific Class Rules
The module also supports a hull library mechanism to retrieve and store any kind of structures including their topological properties. Piping and outfitting components can be made visible during the 3D modeling of the hull structure.
The 3D Hull Engineering module includes powerful copy functions, parametric definition of yard standards and many automatic mechanisms like part and panel numbering, marking lines, standard bracket selection, part coding etc. taking away many of the hull designer's daily worries and routine tasks.
The project library used by the 3D Hull Engineering module consists of a collection of all necessary yard standards for cut outs, profile end shapes, stiffener types, brackets, holes and other structural entities. Besides the yard related standards, software settings and project specific parameters are also stored and maintained in the project library.
Besides 3D modeling the 3D Hull Engineering module contains full 2D drafting functionality to complete the views of the 3D model, create details and any kind of sheet drawing (see also module 2D Drafting).